LAIKA's latest Feature Film, Missing Link! 
I worked on this film as a RP Jr Fabricator & RPQA, processing puppet faces, building puppet heads, eyes and props. I also was part of thePuppet Hospital team, assisting animators on set with eyeball tensioning/polishing and troubleshooting/fixing puppet head and face problems.

Test shot captured by a Puppet Hospital colleague while I was working on set 

I built puppet head cores, eyeballs & lids, processed RP faces, installed hat rig, on-set eye tensioning, troubleshooting.

Opera Glasses reinforced

Susan, aka Link, using his glasses. 

3D printed glasses
3D printed glasses
Adding wire to back of glasses, clean-up
Adding wire to back of glasses, clean-up
Wire extended down handle
Wire extended down handle

Cleaned, sanded and airbrushed clear-coat on RP faces for this Adelina shot.

Painting gloss on teeth
Painting gloss on teeth
Making adjustments on a hot set
Making adjustments on a hot set

The tongue in this shot had to be re-sculpted due to a RP printing error. I ground the tongues to smoothly animate.

Built head cores, eyes, processed faces and performed on-set last checks before launching the shot.

Both puppets had issues with faces fitting on head cores. Troubleshooting revealed issues with faces and cores, which I fixed with grinding and shimming.

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